Introduction to VCN

Introduction to vcn #

vcn is a command line tool that allows you to interact with Codenotary Trustcenter to notarize and authenticate your software assets. This documentation will guide you through the various ways you can use vcn to help manage the security of your software.

Specifying Assets in vcn Commands #

Throughout this documentation, you’ll see the placeholder <artifact> used to refer to an asset that you want to authenticate or notarize. For example:

vcn authenticate <artifact>

The asset referred to by the <artifact> placeholder can be a file, directory, image, or git repository. The following are examples of how to specify an asset, where COMMAND is a placeholder for any vcn command that accepts an asset as an argument:

vcn COMMAND <file>
vcn COMMAND dir://<directory>
vcn COMMAND image://<imageId>
vcn COMMAND docker://<imageId> // deprecated, please use image
vcn COMMAND podman://<imageId>
vcn COMMAND git://<path_to_git_repo>
vcn COMMAND --hash <hash>

These docs will only use the <artifact> placeholder in examples, but the actual commands you run should specify the appropriate asset type based on one of the templates defined above.

Using the vcn CLI #

To begin using the vcn CLI, you must first log in with your credentials for Codenotary Trustcenter. After you generate an API key in Trustcenter, you can log in with the vcn login command:

vcn login --lc-host

If you are using vcn in a script, you can set the API key in the VCN_LC_API_KEY environment variable, and then run the vcn login command without the --lc-host flag:

export VCN_LC_PORT=443

vcn login

You can also specify the API key in an environment variable prefixed to the vcn login command.


However, by logging in without your API key present in the appropriate environment variable, the --signerID flag becomes mandatory.